—The Guardian UK 英国《卫报》
—That’s Shanghai 上海漫步

Jasmine Chen 陈胤希

Jazz Singer | Songwriter | Lyricist | Cultural Ambassador 爵士歌手 | 词作者 | 爵士乐文化使者

Jasmine Chen is a celebrated jazz vocalist and songwriter from Shanghai, China. She achieved international fame with her performance in the 2018 blockbuster film Crazy Rich Asians, directed by Jon M. Chu, where she sang six songs, three of which are included on the movie’s soundtrack.

As a dedicated ambassador for jazz music and culture, Jasmine Chen frequently speaks at prestigious platforms like TEDx, engaging audiences from corporations, universities, and arts organizations with her insights on jazz, music, and cultural context. Her commitment to social causes is evident through her active involvement in charity work with organizations such as Educating Rural Girls in China, The Renewal Project, and the Cambodian Children’s Fund.

Born into a family of professional folk dancers and actors, Jasmine was initially trained as a classical concert pianist. However, her passion for jazz blossomed while studying at the prestigious Leeds Conservatoire in England. In 2005, she returned to China to blend her nation’s rich musical heritage with the world of jazz.

Today, Jasmine Chen stands as one of China’s foremost jazz artists, renowned for fusing Western melodies with original Chinese lyrics. Her distinctive approach connects traditional Chinese music with Western jazz, crafting a blend that captivates global audiences. She continues to grace prestigious stages from Shanghai’s JZ Club to international jazz festivals like the highly respected Rotterdam’s Northsea Jazz Festival.

Jasmine has worked with renowned musicians worldwide, such as Grammy-nominated Hawaiian guitarist Jeff Peterson, Brazilian guitarist and vocalist Filo Machado, Singaporean piano maestro Jeremy Monteiro, and Hungarian pianist and composer Béla Szakcsi Lakatos. Additionally, she has performed with the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra and the Shanghai Traditional Music Orchestra.

Jasmine is currently working on a new Chinese jazz album with Danish jazz pianist Nikolaj Hess, recorded in Copenhagen.

Notable Appearances and Engagements:

  • Crazy Rich Asians (Movie) (2018)
  • Shanghai Tatler Gen. T Award Winner (2018)
  • Performance for Crown Prince of Denmark (2017)
  • US-China Young Leader Forum Member (2015)
  • Nature Ambassador by WWF and China’s Environment Ministry (2014)
  • TEDx Shanghai Speaker (2012)
  • As Time Goes By in Shanghai (Movie) (2012)

Selected Works:

  • Crazy Rich Asians Soundtrack: “I Want Your Love,” “Waiting For Your Return,” “Give Me a Kiss” (2018)
  • Destiny’s Will (Album) by Michael Simon: Three featured songs (2017)
  • China Nature Notes (Book) by Joint Publishing Company (2014)
  • On the Lam featuring Jasmine Chen, The Shanghai Newgrass Project, In The Moment (2013)
  • The Color of Love (Album with Steve Sweeting) (2008)

陈胤希是中国目前最活跃的爵士歌手之一。她出生于中国辽宁,19岁赴英国留学,获得英国利兹音乐学院古典音乐荣誉学士学位,主修古典钢琴专业。留英期间,她对爵士乐产生了浓厚的兴趣,并选修爵士演唱,先后从师于英国著名爵士女歌手Louise Gibbs及Tina May,接受了专业而系统的爵士演唱训练。归国后,她开始了爵士演唱生涯,并寻根中国音乐,将东方音乐元素与西方爵士乐形式相结合,形成了具有独特风格的中国式爵士乐。


她是首位登上世界闻名的荷兰北海爵士音乐节(North Sea Jazz Festival)和丹麦奥胡斯爵士音乐节(Aarhus Jazz Festival)舞台的中国歌手,并先后与国内外知名音乐家合作,如格莱美音乐获奖者夏威夷吉他演奏家Jeff Peterson,著名巴西吉他演奏家、音乐人Filo Machado,新加坡钢琴大师Jeremy Monteiro,匈牙利爵士钢琴家Bela Szakcsi Lakatos等;同时,她跨界于不同音乐类型,先后与上海爱乐交响乐团、上海民族乐团有过精彩合作。

2013年,她本色出演德国导演Uli Gaulke的纪录片电影《上海老爵士As Time Goes By In Shanghai》,该片参加多个国际电影节影展,包括2014上海国际电影节。
2017年,她本色出演好莱坞华纳兄弟影业出品的电影《摘金奇缘Crazy Rich Asians》,并为该影片演唱六首电影原声日,其中三首被收录到电影同名专辑并发行;该片于2018年8月全球上映,荣获包括金球奖等多项殊荣。

除了音乐人身份之外,陈胤希也乐于担任中国爵士乐文化使者,通过在国内外不同讲台上分享爵士乐文化,让更多观众从多角度了解爵士乐精髓,包括中国TEDx上海、韩国PAN-Asia Network论坛,成都设计论坛,杭州2050论坛,同济大学、华东师范大学等学府。同时,陈胤希积极参与公益活动,例如中国自然使者行动、ERGC、CCF等,并被中国环保部授予“2014中国自然使者”荣誉称号。